Weijie Yan

Weijie (Owen) joined the ESRI in January 2019 as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Centre for Internationalisation and Competitiveness. He acquired his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of East Anglia (UEA) and his master degree in Industrial Economics from the same university. His thesis, titled "Essays on entry and market profitability in the UK pharmaceuticals", focuses on market power and competition among UK pharmaceutical firms. In his thesis, he empirically assessed entry barriers and strategic entry deterrence strategies by firms, and he also used structural demand models to estimate the consumption and profitability of the antibiotics market in the UK and studied the hypothetical outcomes of policy interventions.

He was an associate tutor in teaching in UEA and a student member of the Centre for Competition Policy (CCP). His current research interests are in firm growth and productivity, industrial organization, antitrust and competition, and health economics. His area of specialty is in econometric methods.